We regret that all use of the meeting house and garden has been put on hold for the time being , but Quaker Friends continue to worship in their own homes and online.
When we want to wish others wellbeing, peace and comfort, Quakers say that we ‘hold them in the light’. Holding others in the light can be a form of silent worship, lovingly extending thoughts of hope and peace, and it can equally be a practical expression, whether through kind deeds, a sympathetic and caring ear, or even just letting someone know you are thinking of them and that they are not alone in such troubling times.
The current Corona Virus outbreak has created uncertainty, and has changed the way we live our lives. We are prevented from meeting with each other, and many people may be feeling isolated and afraid, while others may wonder how to reach out to them to provide support.
‘In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds’. Matthew 5:16
You are not alone, we hold you all in the light, and we would very much look forward to welcoming you into our meeting house as soon as it should prove safe to reopen our doors.